Paradise Hot Yoga Eugene

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Classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays @ 12:00pm Groupon deals please contact the studio, email for scheduling a class
We offer in-studio classes. We are located inside the Balanced Hot Yoga Studio at 1669 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Groupon vouchers please book by emailing.

Studio Owner Wendy Hunter
Wendy graduated from Bikram’s College of India in 2018 and has traveled the west teaching at renown Hot Yoga studios. This studio represents Wendy’s heart journey. “The yoga has changed my life forever and I want to share this gift with the world, the place where the mind and body connect and true healing can occur.”
Guest Teacher Daisy Chan Daisy started practicing Hot Yoga in California and New Jersey in 2014-16. She practiced everyday in the studio. She loved the Mind-Body connection and the yoga helped with her headaches and high blood pressure, as well as back and leg pain from prior accident. She attended Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in 2016.